Screen Wattle with Anchor – Secure Sediment & Debris Filtration for Hard Surfaces

Enhance storm water control with the Screen Wattle with Anchor, designed to slow water flow and trap sediment and debris before they enter storm drains. This traffic-resistant, durable wattle includes an attached anchor for secure placement.

Key Benefits of the Screen Wattle with Anchor:

Slows Water Flow & Captures Pollutants – Improves storm water filtration.
Built for Hard Surfaces – Securely attaches to storm drains for reliable protection.
Traffic-Resistant & Durable – Withstands heavy-use areas with minimal underflow.
Premium Construction: Made with 250-micron HDPE woven filter between two 1/4" HDPE diamond weaves for maximum durability.

Upgrade your storm water BMPs with secure filtration—order your Screen Wattle with Anchor today!

Screen wattles intercept and slow the pace of flowing water, giving sediment and debris more time to settle out of your storm water runoff. They are durable and traffic resistant, with very little underflow. These wattles also meet the IGP requirements for polymer beads. Includes an attached anchor that allows for securing the screen wattle to the storm drain. Made of 250 micron HDPE woven filter, in-between two 1/4" HDPE diamond weaves.

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