Designed to capture water from downspouts, Rain Barrels treat water with metal removing media and oil absorbent materials. Removes TSS, Cu, Pb, & Zn. Non-standard downspout sizes quoted separately. Sizes: 30, 65, 110, 150, or 275 gallons.
Our Industrial Wattles are UV protected to ensure they last several years! Not only do they filter out sediment and debris, they also absorb oil from storm water runoff. These...
It's time to MetalPROOF™ your facility with our metal media socks. MetalPROOF socks filter dissolved metals out of your storm water runoff. Use MetalPROOF socks in conjunction with Industrial Wattles...
Oil Sheen Socks remove oil and other organic chemicals. Deploy Oil Sheen Socks with Industrial Wattles to remove oil and reduce chemical oxygen demand before your storm water reaches the...